
Friday, November 15, 2013

Being Happily Single

At my age, I never expected to be alone. I thought I would be happily married and enjoying life. But here I am single, but happily enjoying life. I am amazedly happy and content where I am at this moment. The one thing that I am realizing is there is a reason why I am alone at this time. I know that I never have to settle for just anyone anymore, because I have dealt with self esteem issues. I no longer need someone to define me.

I sat thinking this morning that there is a reason why there have been failed relationships. It dawned on me that everyone is not meant to come along on my journey. As a matter of fact, some of the relationships I have been in have hindered me from achieving some of the things I have wanted to do earlier in my life. I have put my dreams and aspirations aside for a long time hoping to find that one that will love me and care about me. That's easier said than done.

At this point, looking back, I have to say I am happy that some of those relationships failed or just never got started. They would not be able to handle this journey I am on right now. Would they even be on a level playing field for me? Would they be supportive or happy for me? I really do not think so.

Letting go of those toxic relationships has helped me start to live the way I need and want to live. I am starting to flourish and pursue my dreams because I don't have negativity around me. I now understand that whomever comes into my life at this point, will be a heck of a person. They will be able to travel with me on this journey with no problems at all.

So sometimes we just have to be thankful that we are no longer with some people. They are not meant to be there with you at this time. Everyone has a season and some should not have had a season at all. Start to take care of your well-being and love yourself and you will never have to accept a relationship that does not give you what you are looking for.

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