
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Take Your Power Back - (Part One) Forgiveness

So many times after someone has hurt us, we hold on to that hurt. Unfortunately it tends to eat many of us up inside. Many people become bitter while others take up addictions to cover the pain. What many people do not understand is that they have lost their power. When we hold on to hurt, that person that victimized us continues to hurt us. They also retain power and control over us because we can not let go of that pain.

I can say that it is not easy to let hurt go. It will take one day at a time. Each day, you will get closer to feeling better.
You don't let go to make the person who hurt you feel better. You let go so you can move on with your life. You must realize that those who have hurt us are going on about their lives, not having a care in the world. 

As a victim, you have to learn that you can not change what has happened. You have to accept that what has happened will be and there is nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can change is how you deal with it and how you may need to make some changes in your life. It may be that you have to go to counseling, or you have to delete that person from your life or you have to set up some boundaries. 

I was told recently that you can not change people or blame yourself for how someone has acted. It is not your fault that someone did something to hurt you. That person is responsible for their actions and attitude, not you. People are who they are and you have to accept it whether you want to or not. 

The only way for you to get through your hurt is you have to embrace it. That means you have to go through it in order to get through it. That period will be very difficult for you because you will have to face that pain of being betrayed, but once you are through it, your life will be so much better. 

Another thing that you will have to do is forgive the person who hurt  you. That does not mean to forget and give them a chance to hurt you again. You do not forgive to make them feel better, you forgive to make you feel better. 

There is so much power in forgiving. It is a very difficult thing to do. About two years ago, I was able to confront one of my abusers who sexually molested me as a child. That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. The amazing thing is I felt such a big burden lifted off of me once I told him that I forgave him. It helped me to start moving on because it had been a big weight on me for many years. I had held on to that hurt and it affected many decisions I made in life. That does not mean that I do not have flashbacks or that it does not bother me at times, but it keeps getting easier to move on with my life. 

I decided to write a poem that day about taking my power back. It was so uplifting and inspiring to start becoming free. I called the poem, "Today I Took It Back". I created an inspirational video with the poem included. You can view it below.

I hope these words have inspired someone. I will talk more about taking your power back in my next post. Always remember that You Are Somebody and that you are worthy. 

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