
Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Never Too Late For Your Dreams

"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as you mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve." ~ Mary Kay Ash

It is never too late to pursue your dreams. This came to my mind this morning when I was opening up some items that had come in for my new soon to be store. Just looking at the postcards, t-shirt, banner, and car magnets filled me with extreme happiness.

I never thought I would be here. It's amazing how your dreams can take fruition when you put your mind to it. I know I wanted to do something different in my life. I decided a few months ago this is what I wanted to do and as I continued to speak it into existence, guess what? It made me get up and start the process.

So much had happened over the years to deter me from my dreams. But one thing I can say is that I keep getting back up and fighting. I have had negative people tell me this is not going to work, or I am taking on too much, or why would I want to open a business in this economy, or how can you handle that with kids.
I have had to clear my mind and ignore those naysayers. If you do not believe in yourself, then who will?

That's why I have learned you can not tell everyone your dreams. Many people want you to fail because they are afraid of pursuing their own dreams. How dare you step out on your fear? If you do not conquer that fear, you will always wonder what if. Try to surround yourself with supportive and negative people when going after what you want in life.

Pursuing my dream has definitely been hard work. There are many days I feel like giving up or say what have I gotten myself into, but each task I do gets me closer and closer to my task. You just have to keep visualizing what the end product will be and it definitely helps to have positive people around you.

You may think I should have pursued my dreams when I was younger, or this is too much to take on now. I can tell you that it is not. Nothing well earned can happen without hard work and perseverance. The payoff in the end will be well worth it. I have many friends who are pursuing a college education, or starting businesses, or just doing something they have always wanted to do even though they are no longer in their twenties.

Life is what we make it. You only get one life to live and you should make the most of it. Stop letting people, situations, or even yourself stop you from pursuing your dreams. The answer is not "I can do it", but "I will do it".


  1. Nice Post. Love the purple color of your blog. Been there, done that. Not sharing this publicly at this time.

  2. Your right, it's never too late. The is to key to never let your dreams die. Even if you don't succeed in the beginning you must always know that you are worthy. Good luck with your store.

    1. So true. We definitely have to keep going no matter what obstacles if we want to pursue those dreams. Thank you so much for the well wishes.
